Photos in order: Gil Riego; Nanette Gonzalez for LA Weekly; Tim Hunter; Nanette Gonzalez for LA Weekly; Tim Hunter; Tim Hunter; Kevin Campbell; Daniel Sliwa. Cover image on main menu page by Daniel Sliwa.
This portrayal of Luke Skywalker as experienced through the filter of Jimi Hendrix features a distortion-heavy "Star Spangled Banner" played live on an electric violin shaped like a Landspeeder with sparklers for jets.
The violin was built by Carlos Flores, aka Solrac Artist. This act was originally created for the Star Girls show - the original Star Wars burlesque parody created by LA's Devil's Playground. Follow them on social media @devilsplaygroundLA or visit to learn about their latest themed production shows.
VIDEO: The audience sings along as Diamondback lights her fireworks and plays the national anthem. (Shot by Kevin Campbell/KDC&CC at the Star Girls show at the Yost Theater, Santa Ana, CA.)