Annie is proud to join acclaimed AAPI virtual production Sacred Wounds on Saturday May 29th for Hotpot: a celebration of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, hosted by Wang Newton and Coco Ono. The show features an international cast, including Damian Dragon (LA), Flowerbomb (Korea), Caroline Yoo (PA), Kumiho (SF), Miss Catwings (Hawaii), Wrong Note Rusty (Toronto), Riv Escape (LA), Tiffany Ninja (LA), Jeong-Nakey Apron (LA), Celeste X (LA), with dessert by Midori.
Get tickets here - the link to join the show will be sent with your order confirmation.
PLEASE NOTE INTERNATIONAL TIME ZONES to find your local start time for this online show:
Saturday, May 29th
LA -- 7pm PT
NYC -- 10pm ET
Sunday, May 30th
Taipei/Manila -- 10:00
Tokyo/Seoul -- 11:00
London -- 03:00